Airport transfers
Your transfer is included in our fees if you travel to and from Heathrow and Stansted airports on Sundays.
If you plan to arrive on a different day or at a different airport please contact us. Additional fees will apply.
If you don’t want us to arrange a transfer for you and plan to make your own way to your accommodation, please let us know.
You should aim to arrive at your accommodation between 14:00 and 17:00 on the Sunday.
What we need from you
Once you have enrolled, you need to complete this form on our website:
Arrival in the UK
When you arrive, you will be met at the airport by our transfers team and taken by taxi or coach to your accommodation.
You must arrive on the Sunday before your course starts and your flight should arrive no later than 20:00 at the airport.
Your departure
You must depart the Sunday after your course ends. We will take you back to your airport, help you to check-in and show you through to the Security area. If you are travelling as an Unaccompanied Minor, we will hand you to airline staff.
Your pick-up time will be confirmed with you during your final week at school.
Unaccompanied Minors (UM)
All airlines have rules about extra travel requirements for people under the age of 18. Most will not allow travel under a certain age without an accompanying adult. Some airlines will not allow travel unless an Unaccompanied Minor service is booked in advance. Please check the airline’s website carefully for details and booking conditions.
For students travelling as Unaccompanied Minors, the airline will require a contact name, (the name of the Studio person supervising the collection of students) and a contact phone number. We are not able to provide these details until the week before travel.
Travel rules for under 18s
Each country has specific requirements regarding travel consent for students under the age of 18, who travel without their parents or legal guardian. This must be checked with the airline or embassy/consulate before travelling.
Parental Consent to Travel Form
Students under the age of 18 who travel without their parent or legal guardian are required to travel with a signed ‘Parental Consent to Travel’ form supplied by Studio Cambridge. This must be carried with other travel documents.

At the Airport
Difficulty finding the Studio Representative?
Some of the London airports are quite big and it is not always easy to see who is meeting you. If, after looking carefully, you can’t find the person meeting you in the ARRIVALS HALL, we will help you to find each other if you call our emergency phone.
When you call please tell us your name and which airport you have arrived at and we will ask the Studio Representative to find you.
If you are not sure if the person meeting you is a Studio Representative, you should ask the person meeting you to tell you your Studio student reference number. If you have any doubts you can call us on our emergency phone
Waiting time?
Once you meet our Studio Representative it is possible that there will be a short wait of up to one hour while other students are also met. Once everyone is present you can go together to the taxi or coach.
Travelling from the airport?
The journey time depends on the airport and the time of travel, but there is usually no time for toilet-stops, so please make sure you are comfortable for your journey before you leave the airport.
Delayed flight?
There is no need to worry if a flight is delayed. Each Sunday, our airport transfers team will be monitoring the flights and their expected arrival times. A Studio Representative will be waiting for you.
Lost baggage?
If you cannot find your baggage go to the Lost Baggage desk in the baggage hall. Do not leave the baggage hall until you have spoken to someone at the desk. You can call a member of the Studio Cambridge team and they will help you.