How to get here
Finding Studio Cambridge English language school is easy, but here is some help to make sure you have no problems.
How do I get to my course centre?
Studio Main School is on Station Road, Cambridge, just 2 minutes’ walk from the City train station and 10-15 minutes’ walk from the city shopping centre and its University colleges.
How do I get to Cambridge?
From central London, Cambridge is 45 minutes by train or 1 hour 30 minutes by road.
Travelling by train to Cambridge
For train details please visit Trainline or Trainhugger. When you arrive in Cambridge (at Station Road), take a taxi to your accommodation. The cost of the taxi should be between £10.00 and £15.00.
Travelling by bus between London’s airports and Cambridge
National Express is a bus company that operates a regular service between all the major London airports and Cambridge city centre. For timetable information, please visit the National Express website and follow the instructions provided on the homepage.
When you arrive in Cambridge (at Drummer Street) take a taxi to your accommodation. The cost of the taxi should be between £10.00 and £15.00.
Airport guide
For more information on the nearest airports, please see links below:
London Stansted
London Luton
London Heathrow
London Gatwick
How should I travel around Cambridge?
You may wish to travel around the city by bike or bus during your stay.
This is the favourite and most traditional way for getting around Cambridge, which has many cycle lanes to separate bikes from car traffic. We recommend that you only hire bicycles (approximately £40.00 per week, plus a deposit) if you are a competent cyclist and confident about cycling on English roads.
Visit the City Cycle Hire website for bike hire details.

An alternative to the bike would be the local bus services. You can buy a ‘Citi’ bus pass (approximately £20.00 per week), which is called a ‘Megarider’. These can be bought on the buses by asking the driver directly. There is a bus stop directly in front of the school. Studio staff will also be able to help you choose the correct bus, which will take you to and from the school or city centre.
Visit the Stagecoach website for bus timetables.