Adult English course FAQs

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Adult English course FAQs

In this page we answer your frequently asked questions about our Adult programmes.

Are Studio Cambridge English courses accredited by the government or any other official authority?

Studio Cambridge is a founder member of English UK, accredited by the British Council and a member of IALC (International Association of Language Centres).

How many students do you have at Studio Cambridge?

We have 16 classrooms and a capacity of approximately 180 students, so we can teach at all levels from beginner to advanced. This is the optimum size because it is big enough to allow us to provide a wide range of academic programmes and small enough that we can give you the personal attention you deserve.

Do I have to buy my own books?

You are not required to buy books, as educational materials are included in the cost of the course. Books and tapes are also available for reference and on loan, free of charge in our Learning Centre. However, you may wish to buy a dictionary or other reference books. There are additional costs for required course books for students taking the IELTS and the University of Cambridge examination courses.

How will you place me in an English class at the right level?

You will take a placement test in advance and will then be placed in a class at your level.. Your teachers will carefully monitor your progress and you will move up levels as your English improves.

What happens if I am better at one skill than another – for example, I am better at reading than speaking English?

If you have different levels of skills, and depending on the course you have chosen, you may be placed in different classes for each of these skills.

I want to be in the same class as my friend, is this possible?

We can place you and your friend together, but only if you have the same level of English. If you do not want to be in the same class as your friend, this can often be arranged – but it will depend on the availability of places.

What happens if I don’t like my class?

If your class is at the wrong level for you we will make every effort to change your class after the first few days.

I speak very little English. How will you start to teach me?

You will start using the language from your first day – not by translating or interpreting from your own language, but by using it. Your textbooks will be especially designed for beginners and your teachers will be experienced in teaching English at the beginner level. Everyone else in your class will be doing the same. They, and your homestay hosts, will support and help you every step of the way. Very soon you will gain confidence and be able to use English far more effectively. In the unlikely event that there are no other students at your level, we may offer you private lessons in place of group classes. There is no extra charge for this, but the number of private lessons will be provided at the ratio of one private lesson = three group lessons.

How long will it take me to learn English?

The true answer is that learning a language is a life-long experience, and your progress will depend on your ability, motivation and study habits. At Studio we have six main levels of English (each level is subdivided). See our blog post for futher information.

If I have problems will there be someone who speaks my language who can help me?

We use only English in the classroom, however, we have staff who speak some other languages. Remember, we are here to help you at all times.

The schools in my country are segregated. Will the classes in Studio be single-sex?

No. All classes at Studio are mixed, with men and women studying together.

Will I get a certificate from Studio Cambridge after my course and is the certificate recognised?

You will receive a Course Certificate and Academic Record from Studio Cambridge. The school is accredited by the British Council. If you are taking an external examination (IELTS or the University of Cambridge) you will also receive an examination certificate.

Should I bring my own laptop computer?

It is not necessary to bring your own laptop for your classes. The school building has free Wi-Fi access and you will be able to use your own laptop in your free time if you wish to do so.

What happens if I don’t like the school and want to leave early?

If you are unhappy with your classes please speak to your teacher or Director of Studies right away and we will do our best to improve things for you. If you still want to leave early, our Terms and Conditions for termination can be found here.

Can I extend my course if I like it?

Yes, there are usually places available. However, if you are visiting the UK with a Student Visa, any extensions may depend on your expected date of departure from the UK.

Can I change to another course if I don’t like the one I’m on?

Yes. A change to another course of the same or higher intensity (lessons per week) can normally be arranged within a week. However, a change to a less intensive course requires four weeks’ notice.

I am a mature adult. Will there be other people of my age there?

Our students range are aged 16+. We do have mature students studying with us, however the average age of students on our Adult courses is 23.

My country has a difficult relationship with another country. Will there be people from that country in the school?

As we have 60 to 70 different nationalities at Studio every year, it is very likely that you will meet someone from that country. We teach English without regard to sex, nationality, religion or political persuasion and expect all our students to be tolerant and understanding of each other.

Do you offer excursions to destinations outside Cambridge?

Yes, we do! Please ask Reception for more information when you are here.

Do I have to pay for excursions?

Yes, all excursions are at extra cost. A full-day excursion to London, for example, costs approximately £55.

How do I book an excursion?

The excursions for the weekend are advertised on noticeboards as you enter the school, on social media, and the various screens in the school. You can book excursions and request further information from Reception.

How will you ensure my safety during excursions?

It is the aim of Studio Cambridge that all excursions are carried out with due regard to health and safety. We have comprehensive instructions for staff involved in excursions (based on risk assessments) and these are made available to group leaders in advance. The group leader has full instructions including what to do in the event of an emergency and all under 18’s are identified to the staff member accompanying the group. In addition, an itinerary, list of all students on the excursion and a first aid kit is provided to staff members leading the excursion. A student information sheet provides students with important safety information including the school phone number and emergency number. You can find all our policies, including Health and Safety, here.

Am I able to give you feedback?

Yes, absolutely! It is our aim to get feedback on all aspects of your experience during your time at Studio Cambridge. This includes not only your learning experience but also your accommodation, excursions, facilities available and the airport transfer service. It is also our aim to deal with issues arising out of feedback promptly and to the satisfaction of all concerned.

How can I give you my feedback?

We offer students a chance to complete a feedback questionnaire at the end of their first week (in their welcome pack). We hold regular focus group meetings with students to get verbal feedback about all aspects of their stay. In addition, we provide electronic end of course questionnaires to all leavers. Information gathered is fed back to teachers and admin staff at their regular meetings and complaints are passed on to relevant staff immediately. Serious complaints are dealt with as set out in our Complaints Policy.

Who should I talk to if I have a problem during my stay?

During the welcome talk, students are advised on who to speak to if they have a problem. For example, their teacher about their classes; the Head of Accommodation about their accommodation; any member of staff if they have personal problems. During the induction tour they are introduced to some of these staff and shown where to find the others.

Can I take a holiday during my course?

Students who have been studying for 12 weeks or longer may take a 1-week holiday for every 12 weeks of their studies. Any holiday will need to begin and end on weekends.

Can I leave my belongings in my accommodation during my holiday?

Subject to your accommodation provider’s agreement, you may return to, and leave your belongings in your room during your holiday. In this case, a fee will be charged.

Do you provide refunds for holidays taken during my course?

Refunds are not given for holiday periods, but you may be able to extend your course.

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